Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Schooling Issues Digest - Students with Learning Difficulties in Relation to Literacy and Numeracy

The Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST)'s Schools Issues Digests summarise existing research material on selected topics relevant to schooling in Australia. This edition reports on the recent international and national research on students with learning difficulties in relation to literacy and numeracy. It outlines key findings, issues with literacy and numeracy, the role of parents, further research directions and useful websites.

Preserving Australia's cultural and historical assets

In a unique collaboration, Canberra's cultural institutions are using new technology to create digital, 100% replicas of Australia's most important assets, including Captain Cook's Endeavour journal and the diaries of Burke and Wills. That means anyone who can log onto the Internet can have free access to these important documents. Read the whole article

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